No Mosques At Ground Zero

Sun- Sept 26, 2010: The Muslim Day Parade AGAIN
September 21, 2010, 1:17 am
Filed under: Islam and mosques, mosque at ground zero, Uncategorized


Grand Marshals Ghulam Nabi Fai and Nihad Awad


SEPTEMBER 26th , 2010

1PM Madison Ave /41 Street NY City


Famous Muslim entertainer Zain Bhikha to perform in our parade

Islamic Circle of North America

Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA)

Council on American Islamic Relations, New York

Islamic Society of North America

They say, ” Our parade always has Islamic Theme and a Muslim Grand Marshal. It represents many Muslim nationalities and their cultures. At the end of the parade, we have a bazaar where vendors are selling foods, clothing, books and etc. from different countries. Also included are programs for the kids.”

NMAGZ: So, we went looking for that theme.  In 2009  the theme seemed to be the 2010 census:

from video

from video

And here’s the links to the Parade in 2008 That year the “coincidence” was  that the parade was infringing on Columbus Day. So they seemed to be “celebrating’ Columbus day.

Looking back,  the 2007 Parade was a water-shed year when the average American  discovered this parade in the wake of  the NYC Intifada T-shirt; a summer very similar  the Ground Zero Mosque up-roar.

What surprises lay ahead since it seems, the only poster for a parade that’s planned at the end of this week is from 2009…… What’s up?? There are lots of questions…lots of secrets….and no answers….

Side note from NMAGZ: Last year this blogger was told to stop taking pictures on a public street, at the 2009 Muslim day Parade. then last week I was told to stop taking pictures, again, at a public candle lighting rally on September 10th, 2010. Each time I was told that I  was making them (Muslims…Lefties)  nervous (taking too many pictures).

Why was everyone else was permitted to  remain at this parade,taking pictures,  but ME? Public Events at which I do nothing but take pictures and/or video.  That’s what they want, right?! They plan this event so we can watch them praying  on Madison Avenue and now they say No Pictures cause we’re with our families and we’re praying…. I chose not to leave the Muslim Day Parade, but I was ‘politely” forced to leave on September 10. Not right. So not right.

Interesting observation regarding the Muslim Day Parade we found from a reader at  John Derbyshire’s column at National Review ( from April of this year):

Muslim Day Parade

August 26, 2010 4:22 P.M.
By John Derbyshire

Daniel: I’ll register some mild foreboding. To the best of my knowledge, the Muslim Day Parade is the only one currently dedicated to celebration of a religious, as opposed to national, heritage. The history of such things, though sparse, is not encouraging.”


Not sure if this comment at Derbyshire was correct, but certainly the religious factor is  front and center at each Muslim day Parade. Are we supposed to ignore it? On a public street? Are we NO longer permitted to photograph them during this public display? Permission not granted.

This is all too similar to our assault (a NY Post Photographer and myself) in January 0f 2009. At a Hate-Israel (Fakestinian) Rally in Times Square. The paid leftists instigators  said with great confidence  to the NY Post Photographer ,  “We don’t want your press”. From what we observed, the police assigned to this protest were mostly Muslim and allowed this  shutting down of a free press. Their behavior has only gotten bolder in 2010, as Dearborn, Michigan has revealed.

Now in 2010, what might the unknown theme be for this parade? Looking at the backgrounds of two Grand Marshals, perhaps there might be a clue… or two.

Nihad Awad is the Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). After the Gulf War, he was Public Relations Director for the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), described by U.S. government officials as an Hamas front organization. He has said, “I am in support of the Hamas movement more than the PLO…”

More from

Nihad Awad is among the founders of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and serves as its executive director. In that role, he has attained a degree of political clout, invited to stand beside President George W. Bush at the Islamic Center of Washington days after the 9/11 attacks.[1] Before that, Vice President Al Gore appointed Awad to a civil rights advisory panel for the White House Commission on Aviation Safety and Security.[2]

These are influential recognitions for a man with past ties to Hamas, designated a foreign terrorist organization by the United States in 1995. In fact, Awad publicly declared “I am in support of the Hamas movement,” during a March 1994 symposium at Barry University.[3]

India, The United Nations And Kashmir

By Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai

19 April, 2010

Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India’s assertion that “there can be no redrawing of borders in Jammu Kashmir” and former Indian Supreme Court judge Saghir Ahmad’s recommendation “to restore the autonomy to the extent possible” need to be supplemented by some observations from the view point of the people of Kashmir. These deserve to be borne in mind by all those who wish the conflict to be justly resolved once and for all.

When the Kashmir dispute erupted in 1947-1948, the United States took the stand that the future status of Kashmir must be ascertained in accordance with the wishes and aspirations of the people of the territory. The U.N. Security Council adopted a resolution on 21 April 1948 which was based on that unchallenged principle. So the issue in Kashmir is about the right of self-determination which was agreed upon by both India and Pakistan, endorsed by the Security Council and accepted by the international community.

The concept to convert the existing cease-fire line into a permanent International boundary is an ideal non-existent solution. Any such suggestion is an insult to the intelligence of the people of Kashmir. One cannot imagine a better formula for sowing a minefield in South Asia that will lead them to a nuclear disaster. The people revolted against the status quo and status quo cannot be an answer? Also, Kashmiris wish to emphasize that their land is not a real estate which can be parceled out between two disputants but the home of a nation with a history far more compact and coherent than India’s and far longer than Pakistan’s. No settlement of their status will hold unless it is explicitly based on the principles of self-determination and erases the so-called line of control, which is in reality the line of conflict.

The idea of autonomy for Kashmir is an absolute fallacy. Here one has to rely on a provision of the Indian Constitution. All Constitutions of the world are subject to amendments and Indian Constitution is no exception. If not now, in the foreseeable future, the Indian legislature can delete this provision in the Constitution and the move will not even need a debate in the Parliament.

Secondly, Kashmiris have had the experience of a limited autonomy, which was first practiced under a personal understanding between Prime Minister Nehru and Sheikh Abdullah and later provided for by Section 370 of the Indian Constitution. Kashmir was granted autonomous powers over all sectors excluding communications, defence and foreign affairs. It was eroded and eventually whittled away by the forces of circumstances.

My opinion was confirmed by a poll conducted jointly by major news outlets on Aug 12, 2007: CNN-IBN and Hindustan Times in India and Dawn and News in Pakistan. A majority of those polled in Kashmir Valley (87% to be precise) preferred freedom (Azadi). The Azadi means both the rejection of line of control into an international border and rejection of concept of autonomy.

However, there is but one fair, just, legal, and moral solution to Kashmir which was provided by the United Nations. The procedures contemplated at early stage of the dispute at the United Nations for its solution may be varied in the light of changed circumstances but its underlying principle must be scrupulously observed if justice and rationality are not be thrown overboard. The setting aside of the UN resolution is one thing; the discarding of the principle they embodies is altogether another. So the settlement has to be in accordance with the wishes of the people; impartially ascertained; in conditions of freedom from intimidation.

Kashmiris are open to a constitutional dispensation that answers all of India’s legitimate national security and human rights concerns. With regard to the former, they are willing to explore permanent neutrality for Kashmir along the model of the 1955 Austrian State Treaty and a renunciation of war or the threat of force in international affairs along the model of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution. They are willing to consider abandoning a military force like Costa Rica, Haiti, and Panama. Moreover, they hold no objection to providing community quotas in government offices along the lines of the 1960 Constitution for the Republic of Cyprus to safeguard against invidious discrimination of any religious or ethnic group, i.e., Pandit, Buddhist, Sikh, and Muslim alike.

With good faith by all parties common ground leading to a final settlement of the Kashmir tragedy can be discovered. An appointment of a special envoy by President Obama, like Bishop Desmond Tutu will hasten the way of peace and prosperity in the region of South Asia.

Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai is Executive Director, Kashmiri American Council. Dr. Fai can be reached at

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s assertion that Kashmir is an integral part of India needs to be supplemented by some observations from the viewpoint of the people of Kashmir.

Let the Games Begin as we leave you with two proposals:

1. Would love to get a consensus on what the theme might be for 2010 (with these two individuals as the Grand Marshals)…can you guess??

2. How long will I last at the parade this year before I am forcibly removed . The Candle lighting last week was about 30 minutes and the Muzzie Parade    2009 …ditto….

And then if you can, join us at the parade.

This Sunday, September 26, 2010.

1 :00 PM

As they walk from Madison Avenue and 41st street to Madison Avenue and 23rd

New York: Show Your Opposition to Ahmadinejad (and more)
September 20, 2010, 5:51 am
Filed under: Islam and mosques, mayor bloomberg sells out, mosque at ground zero

The evil dwarf is back-in-town:DSCN2483 copyright

And the first of a series of New York Protests Against Ahmadinejad began on Sunday,
September 19, 2010

The next large protest rally will be on September 23….

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Like clock-work, the UN and its cronies have rolled out the welcome mat for this murderer.

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DSCN2495 copyright hosted this informational protest rally in Central Park at Columbus Circle…

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Right across from CNN

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CNN…so close…yet … so far away when it comes to press-coverage

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The purpose of this rally was to show opposition to Ahmadinejad and his human rights abuses, as well as his nuclear aspirations.

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To stand in solidarity with those whose voices have been silenced in Iran they stood with signs and tape over their mouths to demonstrate that opposition to Iran’s violent regime by its oppressed people has been silenced.

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But this time the murderous , anti-semite is staying at the Hilton, just around the corner from the Israeli Consulate.

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Many more protests are planned as long as this tyrant struts around the UN,

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slideshow of a few more pictures

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Ahjad is welcomed and unchallenged by the same press that thinks there is no veiled threat to our freedoms behind the building of a Victory Mosque at Ground zero.

Could this story get any CREEPIER? Murderers and tyrants and summits…oh my…..

A summit of U.S. Muslim organizations (a Pow-wow) is planned [for today and Sunday] in New York City to address both the project and a rise in anti-Muslim sentiments and rhetoric that has accompanied the debate over the project. It has yet to be seen whether the group will emerge with a firm stand on the proposed community center, dubbed Park51. The primary purpose of the two-day meeting is to talk about ways to combat religious bigotry.”

Zaheer Uddin, Executive Director of Majlis Ash-Shura of Metropolitan New York Islamic Leadership Council, rear right, organizes a press availability at the National American Muslim Summit, Sunday, Sept. 19, 2010 in New York. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

NY POST eagerly reported on what seemed to be a spontaneous gathering:

“Muslim Pow-Wow”

Concerned Muslims plan to hold a summit at a hotel near Kennedy Airport today to discuss how to stem what they say is a rising anti-Islamic tide.

“We’ll begin the conversation,” said Shaik Ubaid of the Islamic Leadership Council of Metropolitan New York. He said extremists had forced US Muslims to support the Ground Zero mosque even if they initially had doubts about the idea. “Once it became a rallying cry for extremists, we had no choice but to stand with Feisal Rauf,” he said.”

Anyone else wonder why the Post was using the word POW-WOW?? Surfed around and found this gem: The American Muslim (2004) A report on the Muslim Pow-Wow from 1993.

From Wikipedia: “ The First North American Muslim Pow Wow was held in June 1993 in New Mexico, United States. The event brought together Muslims of diverse backgrounds to know one another, to increase trust, and to discover a common voice. The original Pow Wow was largely the result of efforts by Sheila Musaji and Hakim Archuletta.

Pow-wow‘ is a native Algonquin word, and was used to indicate a desire for Islam to become native to the American Continent. The word further expressed the intention of the gathering, as a conference, a council meeting, a caucus, a time to hear each other out. The gathering was a grassroots, three day camping event which took on a spirit of celebration.

Annual gatherings continued over the next three years, and within the last decade such transformative study & worship circles have become formalized into what are known as “Deen Intensives”.

Deen Intensives have spread to different places in North America and as far abroad as England. The Pow Wow is currently inactive. ” …….NOT ANYMORE…..

And then we found this: TIME has two disturbing videos which are intended to show the happy, peaceful American converts, in particular, worshiping during Ramadan. TIME took the same footage and managed to make two videos out of it. With the dhimmi-press in lock-step, TIME marches in to the belly-of-the-beast: Park51…

“Young students and professionals who pray at the Park51 mosque, two blocks from Ground Zero, defend the controversial site”.
[And the imam is the NYU chaplain a s well as chaplain to the NYC police. The damage done by his indoctrination of our police department runs deep…as he sensitizes young officers to the muslim culture…to protect them from the “anti-muslim racists”{that would be anyone who questions something like a VICTORY mosque at GZ….]

Read more:

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During Ramadan prayer services at Park51, site of a proposed Islamic Center, attendees discuss the mosque and the media frenzy surrounding it (more bridge-building sharing from the muslim converts)
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“Iran’s loopy dictator, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is headed to the Big Apple this week for the meeting of the UN General Assembly. In the spirit of “peace” in his region, Ahmadinejad said from Syria yesterday that Middle Eastern countries will “disrupt” American and Israeli peace efforts.”

[And those peaceful UN cronies have no problem with this threat.]

Iran’s Holocaust-denying, Zionist-hating leader also called for the release of eight of his “illegally arrested and detained” countrymen. Read more:

This is SICK. Just plain SICK : Why couldn’t the UN have been the target that day for those virgin-hungry Muslims.

The Mad Dwarf has come-to-town and we have a Muslim summit…ne POW-WOW, bent on getting their Victory mosque built at Ground Zero.

More than ever we must persevere : NO Mosque at Ground Zero. Not Now. Not Ever!

SIOA/FDI : 911 Rally of Remembrance at Ground Zero (short video)
September 15, 2010, 1:20 am
Filed under: Islam and mosques, mayor bloomberg sells out, mosque at ground zero

UPDATE Sept. 16, 2010: Had to deactivate the power point in another post further down. Couldn’t mute the beautiful song. Didn’t realize it was interfering with  videos in other posts. Sorry!


This is a short video and some pictures of  the crowd that assembled peacefully at Ground Zero on September 11, 2010.  The rallysite  was thick with media. There was  lots of coverage (or so we thought) And the crowd was even larger than the June 6th rally that SIOA also hosted. Over 12,000 Americans gathered to respectfully honor those murdered  by Muslim terrorists 9 years ago.

I  grabbed my Nikon P 80, even though it’s not my video camera, to get some crowd shots during the last speaker(James Lafferty) The media was basically gone … you can see that in the crowd shots…. so who knows what they bothered to take-in while they were there.

It would be great if this little video could to start the ball rolling as we counter the media black-out and LIES .  The quality is not great but it still shows we were much larger than the ridiculous 2000 that the media is claiming. The THREE blocks that can be seen were jam-packed with people. From Park Place to Chambers. In the last frames you can see the buses on Chambers street. And the reports from our-side  is that the side streets (which can’t be seen were packed with people).

The police were giving wrong directions or NO directions to people trying to find Park Pace and Wets Broadway. And yet we STILL had 12, 000 people there. Thousands were lied to , turned away, shut out and actually told to go to the Lefties Hate-America rally. And the rally didn’t even exist in the “reportage” fro the NY Slimes and the WSJ and the NY Post tried to say there were only 2000 people who came out for this meaningful  Rally of Remembrance.

Slide show of the crowd (a few more pictures still to be posted)

Suggestion: Click through to Flickr and  look at the crowd shots in their original size.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

The Media tools LIED. They can’t handle the truth that 12,000 Americans gathered peacefully and  respectfully . The only hatred heard that day came from the Lefties gathered at City Hall.

Fight Back America. Post your pictures and your videos.You were there. DEMAND the media stop the LIES! TAKE BACK AMERICA!!

Video of all speakers from “911 Rally of Remembrance”
September 13, 2010, 5:37 am
Filed under: Islam and mosques, mayor bloomberg sells out, mosque at ground zero

SEPT 20, 2010 UPDATE: pictures and more re the press and the crowds are posted here


September 18 2010- ALL  Speakers are posted now in 15 separate videos.Please scroll down


UPDATE Sept. 16, 2010: There will be no more music (from the power point in another post) interfering with the speeches in this post. Deactivated the power point. Couldn’t mute the beautiful song.


On September 11, 2010: Freedom Defense Initiative and Stop Islamization Of America hosted a Rally of Remembrance at Ground Zero.  To honor our loved ones who  were murdered by Muslim Terrorists  nine years ago and to say “NO Mosque at Ground Zero” Not Here. Not Now . Not Ever!

Part 1: Opening remarks, Taps, Star Spangled Banner and the Prayers


Part 2: 9-11 Family Members, Nelly Braginskaya and Rosa Leonetti


Part 3: Key Note Speaker: Geert Wilders


Part 4: John Bolton


Part 5: Radio Talk  Show Host: Mike Gallagher


Part 6 – Ilario Pantano


NEW- Part 7- Sam Khoshbaten, Muslim Iranian activist


NEW – Part 8 – Steve Malzberg


NEW – Part 9- Dan Weber of AMAC ( The Association of Mature American Citizens )


NEW- Part 10- Andrew Brietbart:


NEW- Part 11- Joseph Nasralla,  Coptic Christian Activist

NEW: Part 12- Jordan Sekelow, American Center For law and Justice


NEW: Part 13Darla Dawald Grass fire Nation and


NEW: Part 14- Jim Lafferty of VAST


NEW- Part 15- Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer-Closing Remarks


Lefties & dhimmies (oh my) gather to support the Victory Mosque…
September 11, 2010, 4:42 am
Filed under: Islam and mosques, mayor bloomberg sells out, mosque at ground zero

UPDATE: (had to deactivate the power point in another post further down. Couldn’t mute the beautiful song. Didn’t realize it was interfering with  videos in other posts. Sorry! )

September 10, 2010:  The One World, One Race crowd gathered to preach ‘peace and love’ ; all marching in lock-step to the Victory Mosque at Ground Zero

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Foot Note: More details will be posted after the rally tomorrow.

Park51: Sept. 9, 2010 (was it a full moon?)
September 11, 2010, 4:21 am
Filed under: Islam and mosques, mayor bloomberg sells out, mosque at ground zero

It was September 9, 2010, and in two days  it would be nine years since Muslim terrorists murdered almost 300o innocent people. Their fateful “mistake” that day…they went to work  or they chose to travel, to fly somewhere (for work or play)  but on that day, September 11, 2001 they were murdered in the name of Allah.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

With the proposed Ground Zero Victory Mosque looming on the horizon , Americans are wounded but wiser. Yet, looking at the odd assembly of people and perspectives at the corner of Park Place and Church Street on this day, the wise seemed to be no where in site….we decided it HAD TO BE A FULL MOON.

Foot Note: Will have to fill in the blanks on who these people are, after the 9-11 Rally.

Map of Human Remains One block from Ground Zero mosque ….
September 10, 2010, 9:22 pm
Filed under: Islam and mosques, mayor bloomberg sells out, mosque at ground zero

NY Post, September 10, 2010: Here’s the chilling proof that Ground Zero stretches well beyond the boundaries of the World Trade Center site, and reaches close to the proposed mosque and community center.

A map compiled by firefighters who sifted through the wreckage of lower Manhattan in the seven months after the attacks shows the gruesome discovery of human remains stretched as far as 1,135 feet from the middle of the trade center — including remains found just a block from the mosque site.


Also in the NY Post: Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, who describes himself as the “visionary” behind the mosque, told CNN this week, “This is not Ground Zero proper. No one’s body is in that location.”

The map was obtained by The Post from sources after the Fire Department did not respond to requests to review it. It shows that remains were found just 348 feet to the south of the mosque site at 45 Park Place, on top of the massive post-office building that stretches along Barclay Street, from Church Street to West Broadway.


Read more:

September 10, 2010, 3:18 am
Filed under: Islam and mosques, mayor bloomberg sells out, mosque at ground zero

UPDATE- September 9, 2010: We have heard that the cars, trucks and vans will be festooned with yellow ribbons, flags, flags and more flags as they drive across America to the 9/11 Day of Remembrance.

Ground zero poster

However, what we have recently learned, is that some of those getting ready to travel  have been a bit busy after-work and into the wee hours of the AM…. painting MURALS on their CAR!



A moving tribute to those murdered on 9-11

Keep an eye out for this car and all the others from the caravan as they head in to Lower Manhattan and  join together at Ground Zero.

We will pray, listen to speakers, many of whom are 9-11 Family members ( list of speakers here)., We will sing , hear taps and, in honor of those murdered on 9-11, say “NO to a VICTORY MOSQUE at GROUND ZERO!”

Ground zero bus

God Bless America and Keep her Safe and Strong .

UPDATE: FDI/SIOA 9/11 Rally of Remembrance: Yes to Freedom, No to Ground Zero Mosque
September 8, 2010, 1:18 am
Filed under: Islam and mosques, mayor bloomberg sells out, mosque at ground zero

(had to deactivate the power point, couldn’t mute the beautiful song…sorry…but you can click through to their site and watch it there)

September 10th, scroll down please for an update on speakers…

On September 11, 201 , at 3:00 PM,  the human rights organization, Freedom Defense Initiative (FDI), and Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) will be hosting a pro-freedom Rally of Remembrance against the Ground Zero mega-mosque at Park Place and West Broadway.

Ground zero bus

Dedicated to the men, women and children who lost their lives; those brave people who gave their lives and to the Heroes that responded to the emergency : 11 September 2001

This is what we are responding to (had to deactivate the power point, couldn’t mute the beautiful song…sorry…)

( PLEASE click through for an amazing Power point presentation was  created Feb 2002)

And remember, we strongly encourage everyone to bring flags. U.S. Flags, States Flags  and flags of other countries are welcomed as well.

TAKE NOTE: No flags mounted on  wooden poles,  the NYPD won’t allow wooden poles (large or small) ,  however the plastic PVC has been permitted at many rallies.

The rally will begin at 3 :00 PM,  with a brief memorial service for the victims of the 9/11 attacks, for the families of the victims and for the nation; featuring prayers offered by a  Rabbi Steven Axelman,  Pastor Jim Garlow and Father Christopher Manuele of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church .

Tom Butterfield, will play taps. He is a descendent of General Daniel Butterfield, who wrote “Taps” during the Civil War.

The confirmed list of speakers includes 9/11 family members Rosaleen Tallon

Rosa P. Leonetti

Nelly Braginskaya, 911 family member, mother to Alex
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Former U. S. Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton (video message)

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Dutch Parliamentarian and freedom fighter, Geert Wilders  (live!)

Journalist, Andrew Breitbart (video message)

Ilario Pantano, War hero and North Carolina Congressional candidate

Mike Gallagher, Nationally syndicated conservative radio host

Jim Lafferty, VAST

Lisa Vincent, widow of author and journalist Steven Vincent, who was killed in Iraq

Simon Deng, Sudanese ex-slave and human rights activist

Darla Dawald, national director,

Professor Richard Connerney of Pace University (Pace lost 4 students and 43 alumni)

Daniel  Weber, Founder and President of The Association of Mature American Citizens, a conservative alternative to AARP.

Sam Khoshbaten, Muslim Iranian activist,

Joseph Nassralla, Coptic Christian activist

Satya Dosapati, Hindu Human Rights Watch


Jordan Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice, which has filed suit to stop the Ground Zero mega-mosque.


Join Up with the largest Caravan in America coming cross-country to the 9-11 Rally!

And watch for more news about our sister organizations in Europe and Australia that are holding solidarity rallies on September 11th. SIOA colleague, Anders Gravers, will be speaking at a solidarity rally in Europe.


Looking at Lefties as they support Ground Zero Mosque
September 7, 2010, 3:25 am
Filed under: Islam and mosques, mayor bloomberg sells out, mosque at ground zero
45-47 Park Place was once up on a time, the Burlington Coat Factory…DSCN1661 copyright

Until it was damaged by plane debris on 9-11 ,  that remains lodged in the building.
..“New York is the Capital of the world & this location close to 9/11 is iconic,” Imam Feisal

Now, it’s the future home of Cordoba House (Park51) aka the Ground Zero Mosque….

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24/7 the Ground Zero Mosque has been feeding the media-beast with “how nice their are” and dropping more than a few snide inferences about “the other side” ….

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Are they compensating these protestors to stand, sit and camp-out at the Park51 site… day and night? Don’t any of them have regular jobs? Or, maybe, holding-signs in front of 45-47 is their current employment (compliments of ….)

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Fact: The Left is the darling-of-the-media. They (the Left) are so ‘wise’ and can do-no-wrong.

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Leftards : Good ….

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ANYONE on the Right: BAD (as far as the Left is concerned)

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Just look at how “wise and thoughtful” these young “Bridge-Builders” are…

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However, Leftists (protestors OR media) never mean it when they say they “respect you” and  “you have right to your opinion”.

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They do not ARGUE or SHOUT at the opposition (which is us)  particularly if a camera is rolling)…

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They are practiced at remaining calm while creating a situation where (eventually) someone inexperienced on our-side, starts screaming at them. They will smile and smirk and respond, perhaps, but the novice is the one yelling at the Leftard.

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Sometimes, they even wear costumes. This Lefty infiltrator counts on his garb as a ” priest” to keep our-side from noticing what his sign says…

His goal, a photo-op. It’s that simple. With this message:

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He was asked politely to leave, once he was ‘outed’ , and he politely left. That’s our goal! No angry photo-ops….

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Another example, May 25, 2010, at a Community Board 1 meeting, the media LOVED this guy (who appeared to be on our side). He kept interrupting and shouting through-out the whole meeting. Was he really on-our-side? Or another ruse? ( the Leftards do send in plants)

The press couldn’t get enough of him or this woman. She never stopped screaming. Not helpful to our side. And since neither of these two people were familiar to those who are frequently on-the- scene, we  wondered,were they plants or just  inexperienced?

Either way, the press got what they yearned for: Nasty “Hate-mongers from the Right”. And Calm” Gentle-spoken Lefties” who support the mosque. Chums!

The Leftists are polite, law-abiding citizens who come together to chant their slogans and march ’round and ’round in circles (for hours).
Friends…chums…really nice “bridge-builders”  (just ask the press)


The Lefties cause no problems, co-operate with the police, carry America flags and copies of the Constitution: Wow!

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But, signs like these, mixed in with the crowd, are meant to inflame….


I witnessed two men from our-side getting ‘in to’ it with their-side. They came over, maybe just to look, but the Lefties are very skilled at getting-a-rise out the opposition (us) . They use their signs, under-the-breath cracks and overt aggression; whatever it takes to get someone to ‘bite’.
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Then, they are calm, quiet and oh-so-NICE again


These two “well-rounded:” jerks yelled anti-VIETNAM cracks at two vets. Then they  laughed and smirked at how ‘funny’ they were. It almost worked with one  of the passers-by but the commotion was diffused fast by someone (not sure who) the police or by someone in-the-crowd…

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Talking with these Leftists,is pointless. They are pre-programmed  with “racist”, “bigot” and “yadayadayada”…

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Better to look and then, just walk away.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

If you can help someone like this woman to calm down and to just walk away:  Wonderful!

Give the press pictures of flags, flags and more flags!


Many 9-11 Family members will come together to remember their loved ones  murdered that day by Muslim terrorists…

We will  honor their memories by saying, “NO to a Victory Mosque on Ground Zero”

September 11, 2010 at 3:00 PM

Ground zero bus