No Mosques At Ground Zero

SIOA & AFDI New York Premiere Ground Zero Mosque Film [video]
February 23, 2011, 9:22 pm
Filed under: Islam and mosques, mayor bloomberg sells out, mosque at ground zero

Update: There was some interest in putting the screening all into one video. That is now posted:

Or scroll down to watch the speakers individually.

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On February 20, 2011 (Muhammad’s birthday), approximately 200 people came to Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer’s New York Premiere of their seminal, groundbreaking documentary.

This powerful film exposed the shameful media biases regarding the proposed Ground Zero Mosque; Imam Rauf and wife Daisy Kahn can do no wrong in their eyes.  But, now the truth is out in this amazing documentary.

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Also on hand were 911 Family members, who revealed the even more outrageous treatment they have suffered under Mayor Bloomberg and his commissions.

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They have pleaded to deaf ears that this mosque not be built on the graves of their loved ones. They do NOT want a Ripley’s believe it or not memorial SEVEN floors underground.

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The house was packed. Many stood. It was a deeply moving presentation and the audience was riveted, and after the screening,  after the Q and A


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They left even more committed to stopping this outrage.

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Part 1  Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer. Opening remarks before the screening.

Part 2 After the screening, Pamela Geller introduced the 9/11 family members who were present. Nelly Braginskaya, whose son Alex was murdered that day, spoke first. As always, she speaks with simple honesty about Daisy Khan, Imam Rauf, Obama, Mayor Bloomberg and the loss of her only son.

Part 3 Rosaleen Tallon spoke of her brother Shawn, who was murdered that day. She also introduced their mother, an Irish immigrant who is proud to be an American, passing that same joy and pride on to her children.

Part 4  Rosaleen Tallon, Sally Regenhard, Rosemary Cain and Rosa Leonetti. 9/11 Family members. All spoke and took questions from the audience. Powerful testimony from them all.

Part 5  Rosaleen Tallon, Sally Regenhard, Rosemary Cain and Rosa P. Leonetti, respond to more questions from the audience : Ted Hayes from Los Angeles, a woman from Bucks County Pennsylvania and a woman who is an ex-Muslim. And thn Pamela Geller gave a rousing wrap-up to the discussion.

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The Videos 9/11 Panel at “The Ground Zero Mosque Film” at CPAC Premiere
February 16, 2011, 1:07 am
Filed under: Islam and mosques, mayor bloomberg sells out, mosque at ground zero

UPDATE : Videos are now posted from Screening on Day Two (Feb 12, 2011)of the World premiere. Please scroll down.

NMAGZ was on hand for this two day event that was presented AT not by CPAC (The Conservative Political Action Conference) 2011 .

It was the World Premiere of the seminal ground breaking documentary:”The Ground Zero Mosque: Second Wave of the 9/11 Attacks”.


Produced by Pamela Geller (Atlas Shrugs)  and Robert Spencer ( Jihad Watch)  this was the World Premiere of a powerful documentary. Day One was a riveting panel. Day Two was the the screening.

On Day One, we heard painful testimonies from families whose loved ones were  murdered that day by Muslim terrorists.We also heard from NYC Councilman, Dan Halloran (the only member of the City Council willing to speak out against the Ground Zero mosque) Also,we heard from  recent candidate for office in South Carolina, Ilario Pantano. He spoke briefly  from the audience.

On Friday, February 11, 2011, Day One, the room was packed. This was an event that CPAC did not support and did not have on its printed schedule. So, AFDI (American Freedom Defense Initiative) and SIOA (Stop Islamization of America) arranged the room at the Marriott in Washington, DC .

They promoted it themselves (not CPAC) and the room was PACKED. And on Day Two, for the screening, the room was PACKED. Those who attended CPAC knew what an important event this was.

CPAC did mange to list the documentary on the poster for the screening room.

TAKE NOTE: Geller and Spencer have done events at CPAC  three times now; offering up important panels with speakers and topics that CPAC should embrace, and CPAC instead  ignores. See links  for the previous events: (2010 AFDI  Panel is here>> and 2009 Geert Wilders at CPAC s here>>)

The Day  One  Panel 2011: (from left to right) Councilman Dan Halloran, Rosa P. Leonetti, Sally Regenhard, Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer (speaking), Nelly Braginskaya, Joyce Boland, Rosaleen Tallon and Ilene Walsh. (Photo by  Migom)

(for more coverage and pictures at Atlas Shrugs, go here)

There are eleven videos from Day One. All are powerful ( including the Q and A) but if you have time for only one, then choose this recap of  Sally Regenhard and you will see:

  • Why this film HAD to be made
  • Why the building of the mosque is a disgrace
  • Why we must no longer be silent.

The first video  from Day One is Robert Spencer’s opening remarks

Pamela Geller introduces the panel and followed by an emotionally powerful trailer of the documentary

Rosaleen Tallon’s  brother, Shawn (a firefighter), was murdered on 9/11. She read the coroner’s report that her mother had received for the first time in public.

Sally Regenhard’s only son, Christian (a firefighter) was murdered on 9/11
Joyce Boland, whose husband Vince was in the audience, spoke of  their son ,Vincent, who was murdered on 9/11.

Ilene Walsh  whose son Michael Brennan (a firefighter) was murdered on 9/11. She too mentioned the devastation have finding so little (if any) remains of their murdered loved ones . His sister Patricia Walsh was in the audience.

NYC Councilman Daniel Halloran, the only one out of 49 council members to stand up for America and the 911 families.

Nelly Braginskaya spoke about the proposed mosque at Park51 (Ground Zero), Daisy Kahn , and her only son, Alex, who was murdered on 9/11. Her accented English may be difficult at times, but even so, Nelly delivers an endearing, very touching and feisty speech

Rosa P. Leonetti whose  brother-in-law , Joseph ( a firefighter) was murdered on 9/11.

Next is the Q and A with 9/11 Families and Geller and Spencer:

There were questions about Sharia law, the Islamist infiltration of CPAC and the proposed mosque at Park51 (Ground Zero).

At approximately 7:49 you will hear the remarks that Pamela Geller made regarding the infiltration of CPAC that was picked-up by Glenn Beck.

We had younger members in attendance at CPAC who  have never seen the truth about who attacked us that day. Of what really happened to those who were murdered that  day.

DAY TWO:February 12, 2011. Before the screening: Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller’s opening remarks


After the screening 9/11 Family Members, Rosa P. Leonetti and Nelly Braginskaya spoke of their murdered loved ones , reminding us of WHY this film HAD to be made.

This is a film that must be seen. We must never forget.

If you are in the New York area you can see it NOW. The New York City Premiere of the Ground Zero Mosque documentary film is to be shown on Muhammad’s birthday, February 20th, 2011. At 7:30 PM


St. Lukes Theatre, 308 W 46th Street, New York City

**You must RSVP**


There is just a bit more : pictures with  a report on CPAC  to follow, so please check back.

Feb 3, 2011: PROTEST THE GROUND ZERO MOSQUE @ 1PM- NYC Council Hearing is ON!
February 3, 2011, 1:05 am
Filed under: Islam and mosques, mayor bloomberg sells out, mosque at ground zero


We will be INSIDE at the  Hearing

49-51 CHAMBERS STREET  at 12:45 pm


From ATLAS SHRUGS: NYC Council: Who are you working for?

The majority of New Yorkers oppose the Ground Zero mosque, and yet you support that offensive insult. 87% of New Yorkers want Wal-Mart, want jobs and low prices, and yet you waste precious taxpayer monies holding hearings, postponing hearings, to ban Wal-Mart. City shoppers could slash their grocery bills by 33 percent if retail giant Wal-Mart were permitted to open stores in the Big Apple, a Post analysis has found.

Who are you working for?

Christine Quinn shilling for the pro-sharia mega mosque is ……….. sad. What happens to those who share Quinn’s lifestyle in a Muslim country?

These are the times when you can affect change.

These are the events that can make a difference.

Please join us , TOMORROW,  February 3rd, down town to protest the Ground Zero mosquestrosity.

The appointment of the latest imam, who is a fierce sharia advocate and has ties to WTC bomber co-conspirator Siraj Wahhaj, is another assault in the continuing 911 attacks on America. The Ground Zero stealth jihadists have applied for taxpayer funds to build their flag of conquest.


AND here is one more reason to support on Wal-Mart :

“We just felt it was the right thing to do,” Wal-Mart William C. Wertz, a spokesman for Wal-Mart on why they dropped plans for a proposed store near near a hallowed Civil War site.

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. has abandoned plans to build a store near a hallowed Civil War site. Sharif El-Gamal, are you listening? Wal-Mart has withdrawn plans to build a store near a hallowed Civil War site.That is what it means to be “American,” to be decent and compassionate.  el Gamal could start building bridges and withdraw the Ground Zero mega-mosque.

But, with the recent release of e-mails that revealed a close relationship between Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s office and the Islamic supremacist mega mosque, Cordoba, ninety pages of e-mails going back to 2009, show that Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and his wife Daisy Khan relied heavily on Bloomberg and City Hall for help, support, advice and assistance as they moved forward to build a 15-story mega-mosque on Ground Zero. It would seem ‘the fix is in’

No wonder  the NYC Council is pushing the building of the Ground Zero mosque . Christine Quinn and her quisling council spit on the New Yorkers they were elected to represent (87% of polled New Yorkers want Wal-Mart’s jobs and cheap prices, and the majority of New Yorkers oppose a mega mosque on Ground Zero). Quinn has been very vocal in her support of the mega-mosque and fierce in her opposition to Wal-Mart (nuts).

The NYC Council even declared December 14th “Hate Wal-Mart day.”

Has the NYC Council declared “hate Jihad day” or “Hate Islamic Ethnic Cleansing Day” or “Hate the Islamic Slaughter of Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs Day”?

Hate Wal-Mart Day — this is insanity!!

Ground Zero is the “nerve center” in the Islamic war on the West; the 15-story Mecca mosque on the Hudson should also be withdrawn, and the NYC government should be working to that end, not to ban Wal-Mart from our citizens.

Please join us in this protest. 70% of Americans and the majority of New Yorkers do NOT WANT  the mosque at Ground Zero.


Interesting Update on Wal-Mart’s plan on how to Fight City Hall, (Love it, actually) From NY Daily News:

Walmart execs are boycotting a City Council hearing on the chain’s plans to open its first store in New York City, the Daily News has learned.

Philip Serghini, Walmart senior manager for community affairs, said in a letter to Council members that the company will skip Wednesday’s hearing. He also criticized the Council for picking on Walmart – even though other big chains like Target, Kmart and Costco already have stores in the city.

“The joint hearing …does not appear to consider the impact of the hundreds of N.Y.C. stores operated by these companies; rather it focuses solely on Walmart,” Serghini wrote.

“Since we have not announced a store for New York City, I respectfully suggest the committee first conduct a thoughtful examination of the existing impact of large grocers and retailers on small businesses in New York City before embarking on a hypothetical exercise,” Serghini wrote.

“For these reasons and more, we respectfully decline participation.”

(continue here>>)