No Mosques At Ground Zero

A special message for all 9/11 Family Members Regarding the September 11 Rally against the Ground Zero Mosque
September 3, 2010, 12:20 am
Filed under: Islam and mosques, mayor bloomberg sells out, mosque at ground zero

UPDATE: More 911 family members have added their names to the list;

Maxine Lovero McCormack
James Lovero
Gabrielle McCormack
Michael McCormack
Michael Lovero
Rita Lovero

Update: More families come out in support ………….

Debbie Rand
Paula Minara
Patricia Tamuccio
James Tamuccio
Mary Ann Marino
Pat Marino
Todd Higley
Carol Eckna
Eileen Walsh

UPDATE Sept 4, 2010

William Krukowski
Elliott Scheinberg
Appellate Counsel

BREAKING: David Paine>>  He’s Not Even A 911 family Member

” David Paine went on Keith Olbermann representing 911 families (which he is not) and misled the American people about our Rally of Remembrance. The majority of 911 families support our tribute. A number of 911 family members pleaded with Olbermann, requesting equal time to speak in support of the rally and rebut Paine, but were refused.”


“The Rally is not the problem, the mosque is…..”

Latest Press Release from : 9/11 Parents & Families of Firefighters & WTC Victims  from fellow 9/11 Families Regarding the September 11 Rally against the Ground Zero

The Rally is not the problem, the mosque is…..

“9/11 Parents & Families of Firefighters and WTC Victims”

Recently a 9/11 family group called for suppression of the September 11th rally near Ground Zero which opposes the construction of a mosque and cultural center near the sacred ground. Many 9/11 families do not agree with attempting to stop this demonstration – and the majority of our group supports the purpose and principles of this rally.

We have been informed that this demonstration will in no way interfere with the Anniversary Commemoration – instead it will be held at the site of the proposed mosque building at Park Place – after the conclusion of the 9/11 ceremony. Numerous family members, including many from out of state, have made arrangements to attend this important gathering.

While we respect the rights and opinions of others, we feel that no one should attempt to inhibit the expression of free speech for the large number of 9/11 family members who wish to participate in opposing the construction of this mosque and cultural center. This project represents a gross lack of sensitivity to the 9/11 families and disrespects the memory of all those who were murdered at the WTC both in 1993 and 2001.

We affirm that the 9/11 Anniversary is a very special and precious commemoration for all of us. However, we feel that by attending and participating in this rally, families can endeavor to ensure that the sacred ground will continue to be respected for posterity.

Many of our family members feel that they have a moral obligation to their loved ones to raise their voices as the world looks upon us and sees our plight.

For many family members, the looming, unresolved mosque controversy has made the upcoming September 11th Anniversary even more upsetting and troubling. There can be no peace and reflection for the 9/11 families who strongly feel that this proposed mosque is disrespectful and insensitive. On 9/11, as the world is focusing on Ground Zero, families want to be able to raise their voices and say to the world that this is wrong.

While it is possible for some to seek peace and reflection on 9/11 – for others it is better to actively seek justice and honor the legacy of their loved ones by publicly challenging this building whose location so affronts the sensitivity of large numbers of victims’ families. While we may all wish for peace and tranquility – if there is no justice for the victims and their families- there will be no peace for any of us.

No one is being forced to attend this rally, but all family members should have the right to choose whatever they wish to do. On this most poignant day, relatives and friends of the victims have the right to join together with other 9/11 family members who want their voices to be heard in honor of their lost loved ones.

Chief Jim Riches,Chairperson 9/11 Parents & Families of Firefighters & WTC Victims

Sally Regenhard, Vice Chair


Bill Doyle
Jim McCaffrey
Chief Al Santora
Maureen Santora
Rosemary Cain
Russell Mercer
Joyce Mercer
Rosaleen Tallon
Eileen Tallon
Albert Regenhard
Nelly Braginsky
Robert Da Ros
Timothy Dennehy
Joan O’Callaghan
Marcia Morris
Noreen O’Riordan
Margaret Wade
Dave Wade
Kathleen Bergin
Christina Regenhard
Donal Flynn
Emma DiPierro


A message for Pamela and Robert:

We are grateful that a wide spectrum of 9/11 families have declared their unequivocal support for our September 11 Rally of Remembrance honoring the victims of 9/11 and ensuring that their memories will not be desecrated by the construction of an Islamic supremacist mega-mosque at Ground Zero.

We are aware that some 9/11 families, while declaring their opposition to the mega-mosque, have asked us to move the date from September 11 because they feel that our rally will be “disrespectful.” As they must know, we did not choose the date of the rally to be “disrespectful” for those who were murdered on September 11, 2001. In fact, we did not choose it at all. The date was chosen for us when Daisy Khan announced that the Islamic supremacists plan to break ground for their mosque on September 11, 2011. (She denies this now, contradicting her own words.)

They are trying to co-opt the date of September 11 for their own nefarious purposes. We are not willing to let them succeed in that attempt. In a certain sense, we are all 9/11 family members: as a nation, we all suffered grievous harm on September 11, 2001. As Americans, we want to reclaim September 11 as a day of mourning — and as a day of national resolve and remembrance to stand up to the inhuman ideology that slaughtered 3,000 precious souls on September 11, 2001.

As such, we are beginning the rally after the conclusion of the memorial services, and we are starting with a solemn memorial of our own, featuring a minister and rabbi offering prayers for the 9/11 families and for the nation. Only in that context are we going to speak about the Ground Zero mega-mosque at all.

By so doing we are going to do our part to reclaim 9/11 for patriots. Those who don’t have special press credentials or status as a 9/11 family member have been subjected every to the 9/11 truthers, the America-haters, the conspiracy mongers, trinket hawkers, and those openly crowing about America’s defeat on that day. Ground Zero turns into a desecration of the memories of the fallen. The 9/11 families, inside their secure area, may have experienced the day as a time of mourning in an atmosphere of sanctity. But outside that area, 9/11 has been claimed every year by enemies of our nation. Consequently, the idea of gathering tens of thousands of patriots at Ground Zero, to stand reverently and respectfully for American values, honors the memory of those who died on September 11, 2001 simply because they were Americans.

The patriots at Ground Zero, praying for the victims’ families and for America, have been asked out of respect not to bring signs, but only American flags. The rally is a one of remembrance, dedicated to honoring the memory of those who were murdered, and making sure their memory is not desecrated by this mosque. How does such a spectacle in any way dishonor the victims of the 9/11 attacks?

We have received scores of emails from 9/11 family members, urging us not to change the date, but to keep it where it was.

Despite this faction’s stated opposition to the mega-mosque at Ground Zero, no one will be more pleased by their statement against our rally than Ibrahim Hooper of the Hamas-linked Council on American Islamic Relations, Muslim Brotherhood groups such as MSA, ISNA, and ICNA, the Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, Daisy Khan, and Sharif El-Gamal.

Thousands of patriots praying with flags, weeping, at Ground Zero on September 11, instead of a gang of 9/11 Truthers and thugs.

The predictably offensive 9-11 TrOOthers were out in 2008 showing NO RESPECT for those who were murdered by TERRORISTS!

(video of the Truthers on 9-11 in 2008 here)

Given the declarations of Daisy Khan about September 11, 2011 and the carnival atmosphere of every September 11 in the past few years, we cannot and will not move the date. It is necessary for Americans to reclaim that date. We’re not coming to agitate. We’re coming to pay our respects.

15 Comments so far
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The date 9/11/01 was not a date we put into place but was a date put into place for us. A date we well have to live with for the rest of our lives. America is a country of values, feelings, respect,for the majority of us. Other country’s cannot have our same values, our same respect because they did not grow up as we did or as we do. For non American’s if you want respect from American’s then you will have to respect American values and American ways. You have been given a chance for a better life here in America. Its not America’s fault that the planes that were hijacked and flew into the WTC’s was from the Muslim religion, that is something the Muslim religion is going to have to live with and adjust to.

To the American’s that lost love one’s at the World Trade Center’s; You have a military that is standing behind you fighting for your and our freedom. You should be grateful that the rest of America is also standing behind you by going to this rally to show support for your loved one’s that were lost to that tragic day. This is the day for American’s to pray for the lose of their loved one’s and if we have to fight to keep it, then that is the American way. Take Back America, Love it or Leave it!!!!!

Comment by John

You are so right, Pamela – keep up the good fight. This world has lost its mind and all common sense, splitting everything up into left and right, as if only Republicans and Conservatives were killed on that day, or only Democrats were killed, and BY conservatives! This LUNACY HAS to STOP! I am SO thankful for you and Robert Spencer stepping up to the plate for ALL of us in this country and saying, This has to stop and we need to see who the real evil in all this IS (ISLAM as written in the KORAN, preaching and practicing hate and murder of all other religions that refuse to submit to their god of intolerance).

They say that those who oppose it are hate-mongers and against freedom of religion, but they are talking from both sides of their mouths. They kill even their own people who dare to question their doctrines, women for no reason, and anyone who decides to leave their religion. What’s worse, they use the “Freedom of Religion” card: the ULTIMATE irony, as their beloved Sharia law which the Imam Rauf supports, would TAKE AWAY this country’s Freedom of Religion faster than you could say “Burqas-R-Us.” And so many people have been SOOOOOO blinded, and willfully so, being deceived into believing the LIE that this is a political issue. Lord, wake us up before it’s too late!

Comment by Jeanne Hipp

As a family member who also lost a relative (cousin) to the 911 murderers, I do not at all object to the rally being held on 911. I also do not really care about signs, as it is important to remind everyone exactly who is responsible for that days atrocities. Having said that, I do respect other peoples sensitivities & will be armed with a very dangerous American flag at the demonstration & nothing more.

Comment by Juggler

No islamisatie!!!

Greetings trom Amsterdam and God bless you all.

Comment by Tonny

Well as expected, most Americans would totally oppose to that. The 9/11 tragedy created another gap between Christians and Muslims. Call it racism, but that’s the fact and it has been going on for years. We still don’t know when will it end…

Comment by Phine

It’s not racism. We should all correct that misnomer at every opportunity.
Islam is not a race (and begs the question regarding the classification of religion).
The knee-jerk claims of ‘racism’ are nothing but inflammatory rhetoric.
Islam is not a race.

Comment by neveragain911

I may not be an American, but I say NO to the mosque on ground zero.

Comment by Lisa

Like Lisa, I am not American and I will be on the other side of the world on 9/11.
But my heart will be there with all of you on that day, on ground zero, saying NO to the mosque on this site. This site and, everywhere around it touched by 9/11 belongs to the families affected by the tragedy and to all those who cried with them, and felt for them. And there are a lot of them around the world.
It is good that you reclaim the site, and the day.
God bless you.

Comment by Philippa C.

Another news regarding funds to the mosque.

Key 9/11 mosque backer donated to Hamas charity

Comment by ravi

I am sick of all the talk about not offending the muslims…TO HELL WITH THEIR FAKE RELIGION! It is filled with hate, barbarism, and lies. Their pig founder is burning in hell as will all of them who follow this satan. Stonings, mutilations, murder, rape, treating women like animals….what a great faith!!! All they understand is power, and soon they will feel the power of the one’s they have stupidly attacked.

Comment by John American

Also, Islam is not even a religion…it is a political system and as such, should NOT be given protection under our Constitution….send that thought to your congressman and senator and see what kind of response you get!!

Comment by John American

Are the Muslim families who lost loved ones on 9/11 welcome at this rally?

Comment by Junius

Of course they are.

Comment by neveragain911

It sure doesn’t seem that way. The”for Pamela and Robert” message (from the rally organizers?) refers to what could become these families’ place of worship and community center as “an Islamic supremacist mega-mosque at Ground Zero.” It’s accurate to call it “mega” but what about it is “supremacist”? And it seems that several of the commenters who enthusiastically support the rally and may be attending would not agree that Muslim families are welcome. I’m referring to the”F*#k … all muslims!!”, calling Islam a “nazi type cult,” and the commenter who looks forward to attending the rally so they can “kick some muslim ass …” These aren’t exactly welcome words, and it’s exactly the kind of pea-brained, rabid barking we hear from fundamentalists Muslims, just directed at a different group.

I understand this kind of hate and anger levied against the backward Islamic Jihadists like those who murdered everyone on 9/11. But to direct it toward all Muslims seems a bit dense. Is it not the equivalent of my saying the same things about Christians and Christianity because of the itinerant Christian fundamentalists whose wives follow them around holding “my husband is my Master” signs, who damn to hell men who cut their hair, who declare war on all infidels because Jesus “came not be bring peace but a sword,” who kill doctors who provide abortions, and so on, all of which they justify with various passages from the Bible.

There’s a developmental stage in infants and toddlers called Generalization, when they think everything with four legs is a “doggy,” all men are “Dada,” and all things red are apples. They do this because they haven’t developed the capacity yet to differentiate things that look alike, so they lump everything together – their brains and small and still forming. Perhaps this explains some of these comments.

Comment by Junius

You correctly point out that there is a repeated message that emanates from Ira that is full of anger and profanity. He has no connection the Geller and Spencer. He does not represent them, he represents himself and we have been very patient with Ira. Unfortunately, his messages have only grown more angry and profane. HE does not represent SIOA nor FDI. Pamela and Robert are the complete opposite of Ira. They always welcome Muslims. Muslims spoke at the rally!

Comment by neveragain911

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