No Mosques At Ground Zero

Bloomberg bends over for Islam at Iftar Dinner (2010) in Gracie Mansion

Mayor Bloomberg hosted his annual  Iftar dinner at Gracie mansion this evening, August 24, 2010 at 8 PM.

And his speech to those in attendance (and to the suckered press) continues to shows how little respect he has for the articulate and NON-RACIST protests of his constituents. No matter how they arguments are parsed, in Bloomberg-Town, if you don’t march to his drummer, you are UN-American. Period.

Bloombergs opening remarks, ” We call this ‘The People’s House’ because it belongs to all 8.4 million New Yorkers who call this city home. People of every race and religion, every background and belief. We celebrate that diversity here in this house with gatherings like this.

And for me, whether it’s marking St. Patrick’s Day or Harlem Week or any other occasion, these gatherings are always a powerful reminder of what makes our city so strong and our country so great.

America is a nation of immigrants, and no place opens its doors more widely to the world than New York City. America is the land of opportunity, and no place offers its residents more opportunity to pursue their dreams than New York City. America is beacon of freedom, and no place defends those freedoms more fervently, or has been attacked for those freedoms more ferociously, than New York City.”  His entire speech, if you can stomach it,  is posted here>>. Otherwise, just jump to this next bon mot.

Bloomberg continued to exhibit how solidly he has been bought when he said , “Islam did not attack the World Trade Center — Al-Qaeda did. To implicate all of Islam for the actions of a few who twisted a great religion is unfair and un-American. Today we are not at war with Islam — we are at war with Al-Qaeda and other extremists who hate freedom.”

The press  seemed to have left Bloomberg’s ’emotional’ speech as teary-eyed as Daisy “I was almost in tears”  Kahn 

and Sharif  “He touches my heart”  El-Gamal. 

(The Imam is still out of the country fund-raising for the mosque on OUR TAX DOLLAR. So no weepy thank yous from him this evening) NY 1 has  short video here

OUT side the dinner, the press actually decided to do some interviews with the protestors.      DSCN1439 copyright

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The impromptu protest was small because the information about the Iftar dinner was sent out with only about 90minutes notice, but the press did take the time to approach them with a few questions,  even though they can’t bear to alter their pre-ordained observations.

They remained stuck-on-stupid with , ” How far is far enough to build this mosque/community center”  and “Why are you blaming all Muslims for 9-11.”

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A slide show of the protest and the press :

Vodpod videos no longer available.

With Bloomberg so firmly in the pocket of the Saudis (for surely that will be exposed )we can expect more of this  insanity from our Mayor until we VOTE HIM OUT OF OFFICE.
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Otherwise, Bloomberg is going to get us all murdered… DSCN1502 copyright

JOIN US when we do a shout-out to Mayor Bloomberg and company.  9-11 at 3 PM

Ground zero bus

17 Comments so far
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Comment by clive

How stupid can Bloomberg be? Does he not realize that when election time comes that his re- election is in the toilet.

Comment by Sandy

Can’t figure out why any New Yorker would have voted Bloomberg back into office. He is a selfish news seeking dictator that thinks he has been named King not Mayor. Did people forget “He Works For Us” not the other way around. If this mosque happens he should be thrown out of office on his skinny butt! Take a good look America first they take over every gas station in the 5 boroughs. I move to Pennsylvania aand now here too they are taking over all the Quickie marts! I want to know where their money comes from since an American would not be able get a million dollar business loan from any government agency. I drive till I find an American at the store. I have been for 17 yrs and will continue to do so. They have been killing in the name of allah and will continue to for all generations to come!!! I can not believe a people who watch their children starve and killed and not put an end to it. The stupidity level is off the charts!!!

Comment by Susan C

Did you see the opposition in each election? They would have been 10 times worse.

BTW, anyone who lives around here knows that he has a “my way or the highway” idea. He reconfigured Times Square (deleting Broadway in the process from there and Herald Square) over mass objections, and wanted to push through congestion pricing too; this for him is par for the course.

As it stands, Bloomberg can’t run again.

Comment by Adam

I don’t know what happened to Mayor Bloomberg this term. I think he had a stroke or suffers from alzheimers desease. I voted for him three times and he managed to get my respect the first two terms. Now he is acting like a dictator and has turned against his constituents and those who were killed. I protest because I don’t think the religion that festered these terrorists should build on the grounds of the victims of their making. It’s not sensitivity, it’s chutzpah.

Comment by R. Stern

To answer the question “how far is far enough to build the mosque”, I think Pamela Geller has given the answer.
It should not be built anywhere where remains, pieces of the airplanes or the buildings settled on that fateful day of 9/11.

Comment by Philippa C.

At the same time, why didn’t Guiliani issue a full vacate order (saying that the building would have to come down) on the building if it was damaged?

Comment by Adam

I thought this article: “The ‘Zionist plot’ to build a mosque” By Wesley Pruden would be of interest to this blog readers…

“The Ground Zero mosque, which is stirring such a sandstorm in New York City, isn’t so popular in certain precincts of the Middle East, either. Some Muslims there think President Obama and Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York are nuts. Impotent and irresolute, too.
Some of the true believers in Arabia say the mosque is a conspiracy hatched by the Jews to set out a clear and permanent connection between Sept. 11 and Islam, a constant reminder of an attack on America led by devout Muslims. Dr. Abd al-Muti Bayumi, a prominent fellow of the Islamic Research Academy of Al Azhar, sometimes regarded as “the Vatican of Sunni Islam,” says the construction of a mosque anywhere near Ground Zero is the child of a “devious mentality” to connect the dots of Sept. 11 and Islam, to stoke memories of barbarism in the name of Islam.
Another Arab notability, Dr. Amna Nazir, a professor of doctrine and philosophy at Al Azhar, calls “building a mosque on this rubble indicates bad intention — even if we wished to shut our eyes, close our minds and insist on good will.” These are not the empty sentiments of good will and sensitivity so beloved of the girly men of the West. They’re statements of concern that “Zionist conspiracy” aid in construction of the Ground Zero mosque will ultimately damage Islam. Dr. Bayumi, for one, preaches suicidal jihad to demonstrate that his heart is in the wrong place: “I say in all honesty that we recruit the people of Islam, and instill in them the spirit of the true jihad, which is death for the sake of Allah, for the sake of our faith.”
The skepticism and hostility in Arabia to building the Ground Zero mosque — and until recently the proposed mosque was bigger news in the Middle East than in Minneapolis or Memphis — contrasts sharply with the enthusiasm of Muslims for the project in America. What do Muslims in Arabia know that Muslims in America don’t?
Sounds like a lot. Raymond Ibrahim, associate director of the Middle East Forum, author of “The Al Qaeda Reader” and guest lecturer at the National Defense Intelligence College, thinks it’s a result of culture and geography: “I believe it has to do with the differing mentalities of Western, or ‘indigenous,’ Muslims. The [indigenous Muslims], who have had little experience of the West, simply cannot believe that Muslims [in America] would be so foolhardy as to pursue such an obvious affront to their host nation.” An indigenous Muslim can’t believe that even an infidel nation would tolerate the insult. He knows what a similar insult, such as the construction of a Christian chapel in Saudi Arabia, would invite in an Islamic country. Not knowing very much about the world, the indigenous Muslim expects a similar result from the infidels.
Muslims here, on the other hand, have learned to game the system in the West, particularly in America, where the elites’ thirst for moonshine is unquenchable. Muslim troublemakers have learned to expect apologies and excuses for anything they do so long as they invoke the right liberal weasel words, such as “tolerance” or “pluralism” or “dialogue.” They’ve learned that talk of “building bridges,” particularly if the bridges lead to nowhere, are preferred fare in the salons of the elites. Insulting Americans invites only apologies, accompanied by abundant bowing and curtsying. George W. Bush went to the Islamic Center in Washington only six days after Sept. 11 to preach that “Islam is peace,” that “when we think of Islam, we think of a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world.”
Too bad for both George W. and Islam, but that’s not what most people here think of Islam. You couldn’t expect Michael Bloomberg to understand any of this, but Barack Obama, the son and stepson of Muslims who received his early education in Islamic schools, must know better. He should be familiar with the Islamic worldview that warm and fuzzy feel-good talk — what we once called “appeasement” — correctly invites contempt from men with strongly held conviction, however evil that conviction might be.
The American elites no longer understand strongly held convictions, good or evil, religious or political. The church and synagogue is only a place for rites and ritual, a place to marry your daughters and bury your dead. But devout Muslims really believe. They never apologize for who they are or what they believe. They have only contempt for the platitudes they have learned to use so effectively in hoodwinking the West — and for presidents who peddle the moonshine.”

Comment by Philippa C.

Where can we get a complete guest list?

Comment by Stuart Kaufman

You can’t get away from Islamization. There are more people who want to enter heaven than there are people questing for freedom. The irony is actions that are universally considered crimes are considered virtues under the teachings of Islam. Not until Islam can get rid of the burqa a Muslim mind will always be considered dirty, suspicious, and ignorant in many ways inspite of unbelievably drawing some educated people to its way of life.

Comment by Hagupit Ni

Building a mosque next to ground zero, what an obscene idea. How about building a Neo Nazi culture center next to Auschwitz, would that be acceptable too? How anyone can be in favor of this insane and disgusting insult to the relatives and friends of the victims of 9/11 is simply beyond me.

Comment by Hans Willenbrock

[…] Much more from No Mosque at Ground Zero. […]

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No “Confederate heritage celebration” at the Birmingham church bombing.
No “Libertarian activism seminar” at the Oklahoma City bombing memorial.
No “Weimar cultural museum” at Auschwitz
No “Islamic community center” at Ground Zero
If you want to prove your movement or organization has nothing to do with a crime against humanity, why on earth would you put it on display right in front of the scene of that crime? Have some common decency and common sense. Build the mosque somewhere else.

Comment by Frank Thomas


You cannot stop this muslim mosque on your ground. Bloomberg is not a jew, he is a son of a bitch. And his father might be a muslim illegal immigrant.

Comment by frank

[…] Accueil Islam Did Attack Us on September 11 08.09.2010 à 08:18 admin Pas de commentaires “Islam did not attack the World Trade Center — Al Qaeda did,” Mayor Bloomberg […]

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I can’t believe that as Mayor of N.Y. and also a Jewish Man that he could cater to the DevilsThe muslims will take over this country if we all don’t wise up. they want to kill Jews, Christians and anyone who gets in their way

Comment by Evelyn wenitsky

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