No Mosques At Ground Zero

From Arab Detroit, Claims that New York Mosque Sheds Light on Post 9-11 Islamophobia
July 22, 2010, 4:46 am
Filed under: Islam and mosques, mosque at ground zero, Uncategorized

Cries of Islamophobia from Arab Detroit News and the usual characters  posing as ‘moderates”. And  we all know how well the Muslims in Dearborn (Michigan!) are getting along with their local Christian Community.

What follows is their article with our NMAGZ reactions  in RED.

New York Mosque Initiative Sheds Light on Post 9-11 Islamophobia

A highly contentious plan to build a 13-story mosque in New York City has garnered its fare share of attention in recent days. Politicians, political pundits, and community members are ardently vocalizing their opinion about whether the mosque should be allowed to exist just a few blocks away from ground zero.

Organizers and supporting local Islamic institutions say the mosque, coined the Cordoba House, would aim to achieve a tipping point between Muslim-West relations and would work to promote a peaceful image of Muslim Americans around the county who stand in solidarity against the attacks of 9-11.

However, those opposing the mosque claim that granting its construction so close to the World Trade Center site would be insensitive to 9-11 families who may still have open wounds in the aftermath of the day’s tragedies. (who MAY still have open-wounds??)

(SNIP) in the last week,… anti-mosque rhetoric took a turn for the worst. In a provocative ad … the narrator calls upon viewers to “join the fight to kill the Ground Zero Mosque.” While both NBC and CBS have refused to run the ad, the clip has been well circulated online, (those) who support the video, simply say they represent the voice of people who refuse to cater to the politically correct. (SNIP)
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) spokesman, Ibrahim Hooper, worries about a resurgence of underlying racism and anti-Muslim backlash taking root not only in New York but nationwide. (CAIR worries about racism? (SNIP)) “What we’re seeing is that some people are trying to exploit and promote Islamophobia in our country by opposing these ordinary expansions of mosques…And they’ve actually put out step by step guides on how to oppose a mosque when it comes to your area, so it’s very disturbing,” Hooper told CNN last week.

NMAGZ: From Ibrahim Hooper, in an interview with the Minneapolis Star-Tribune in 1993: “I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future … But I’m not going to do anything violent to promote that. I’m going to do it through education.”

John Esposito, professor of Religion and International Affairs and director of the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University, calls such anti-Muslim speech intolerable. (interesting cast-of characters) In his CNN editorial, he denounces all “islam bashing charges,” in particular the accusation that the mosque— a 100 million dollar project— is being funded exclusively by foreign terrorist interests.  “The call by some New York politicians for a delay in the construction of the Cordoba Center to examine its funding is simply grandstanding that reinforces the notion that somehow all Muslims, mosques and Islamic centers are guilty until proved innocent,” said Esposito.

NMAGZ: From John Esposito  (when discussing his bridge-building Center of tolerance) “The Center, since its creation in 1993, has built bridges of understanding between the Muslim world and the West, addressing stereotypes of Islam and Muslims and issues and questions such as the clash of civilizations, and the compatibility of Islam and modern life – from democratization and pluralism to the status of women, minorities and human rights – and American foreign policy in the Muslim world.”

Imad Hamad, Michigan Regional Director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), says it is this extreme, odious discourse that reminds him of how deep seated islamophobia really is. “This kind of misinformed discussion attests to the fact that despite the long years of pain and suffering that we endured post 9-11, (now that statement is offensive, self-serving and insensitive) (SNIP)

NMAGZ: Imad Hamad … another bridge-builder to paradise….

President of the Michigan Palestine Office, Hasan Newash, is also frustrated that such anti-Muslim sentiments exist today, almost ten years after 9-11. ( bet he has no problem with relentless anti-Semitism or the murderous cries  of “From The River To the Sea) He questions why Muslims must fight to build a mosque near ground zero when Christians who sought to build a church near the Oklahoma city bombing site never met resistance. (CHRISTIANS did not blow up that building in the name of Jesus Christ) “The fact that this question is even raised–whether building the mosque is offensive or insensitive–is completely disturbing,” said Newash. (If anyone believes what these people have written here…now THAT is disturbing)

NMAGZ: And the organization of which Hassan Newash is President, is even  MORE disturbing. Check it out .

(In conclusion) Hasan says, “Muslims are not evil by definition. (but…Hasan, what about Islam? huh?)


Ameera David
Arab Detroit


8 Comments so far
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I have never seen one statement from a Muslim about “peace” or “co-existence” that has not been belied by another one they have made to Muslim audiences in which jihad is extolled and non-Muslims’ days are numbered. The role of the US mainstream media is immense in the gaping sin of omission of failing to fact-check what Islamists like Ibrahim Hooper have said on the record about Islam, Sharia, and jihad.

Comment by Eric Zarahn

What about what the American public want???? Keep in mind we do not go to therie land and build our churches there as they would NEVER allow it!!!!! Yes we are a nation built on tolerance but this is insane! The take over has begun if you let this happen! Actually, if you look close enough you will see that in many avenue they have made there mark on the US already and some day soon it will back fire on us!

Comment by deborah

What about what all right thinking people want.It’s ok been tolerant, but, i’m afraid tolerance is abused by izlam. I live in England and we have far too many mosques built out of the public purse. If we need a church repairing we have to do it out of charity donations. The story of the three little pigs is banned in our schools in case it offends muslims. I am disgusted by our successive governments pandering to all the foreigners who settle here and immediately want us to adapt to them. Enough Izlam!. You come here …live like us. Not expect us to live like you.

Comment by Paul Walsh

Already mailed to NYC Land Preservation Trust
Mayor Bloomberg
Posted on the ITF web site:

To The Members of the Landmarks Preservation Commission

Hon. Robert B. Tierney, Chair
Hon. Pablo E. Vengoechea, Vice Chair
Hon. Frederick Bland
Hon. Stephen Byrns
Hon. Diana Chapin
Hon. Joan Gerner
Hon. Roberta Brandes Gratz
Hon. Christopher Moore
Hon. Margery Perlmutter
Hon. Elizabeth Ryan
Hon. Roberta Washington
I send this letter to you, not as a complaint or as a rebuke, but as a message of sympathy. For months now citizen after citizen has paraded before you with documentation containing fact after fact detailing why this proposed mosque at 45 Park Place should not be built. I’m sure the commission sat quietly while everyone got their chance to speak their minds and respond to questions. I’m also certain that the commission asked questions of Imam Rauf…such as:
Why should a 13-story Islamic “community center and prayer space” be constructed a mere 600 feet from Ground Zero when there is already eight functioning mosques affiliated with Sunni and Shia Isalm? Other New York Burroughs have several more…so..why?
Where did the financial support for this Islamic Center come from?
Did the Commission ask if any financing came from Saudi Arabia? A country that is financing most of the new Islamic schools in America…did you ask that?
Is it true the Dutch government is contributing $1,290 Million dollars of Dutch taxpayer money to help finance this building? Weren’t we told that all funding is to come from non-foreign donations? Maybe we mis-understood.
Did you ask Imam Rauf if he sympathizes with Hezbollah?
Did you ask Imam Rauf if he believes that the United States is responsible for 9/11? Did you know that he is quoted as saying: “The United States policies were an accessory to the crime [9/11] that happened.”
Did you ask if Imam Rauf supports Islamic ideology to convert the world to Islam, as is noted in the Quaran? Did you? If you didn’t, you should have.
Did you listen to the people of New York stating their views and opinions and requests and demands that this “Islamic Center” NOT be built on Sacred Ground?
Did you not listen nor even care when the relatives of the 9/11 victims, Fathers, Sons, Mothers, Sisters, Brothers, Daughters…came before you and poured their hearts and souls out to you. Telling you to stop this travesty of injustice. This tribute to the murder of nearly 3000 people? Are you that callous to their grief?
Are you that insensitive?
Are you that Un-American?
Are you that ignorant?
Are you deaf?
No…we do not think the Commission is any of those things at all. But we do know what you really are…and that is SCARED. Yes, the members and supporters of the Land Preservation Commission are scared.
We believe you are scared to have your names read and be called RACISTS.
We believe you do not want to go on record as being called Islamaphobes.
We believe you feel the media will treat you as “that wonderful group that helped the small Islamic community bring a new culture center into the city, while fighting those brutal, anti-muslim thugs.”
We believe you feel that Islam is serious when they make subtle threats and you do not want to be on the receiving end.
We believe in this day and age, its more fashionable to be a liberal sympathizers with an ideology that wishes to destroy our country and culture, then to stand with the vast majority of Americans wishing to live in peace and freedom.
We believe that you actually do not care how your fellow Americans feel at this time, because in years to come, everyone will forget and you will go on to bigger and better things. Never mind that you may have helped radical Islam secure a foothold in New York City.
So you go right on being scared.
We will go right on fighting one of the greatest evils ever to set foot upon the shores of this or any other country. An evil that removes the freedoms from the individual and places it in the grave.
Just know that we will never forget who you are, what you do, and why you did it.
Sincerely Yours,
Editor-in -Chief
The Infidel Task Force

Comment by Infidel Task Force

To the Infidel Task Force,
Please count me in,
PS. Great letter…

Comment by Philippa C.

Regards from Finland too. I symphatize with your situation. How an earth the muslims have the NERVE to ask ANYTHING like this to be done?

Comment by Captain

What the hell is wrong with this Country?
We send our loved ones to defend us but
allow our eneimies to deface us!!!
When will we stop allowing the hate of the
few to govern the many???
What happened to Democracy??????

Comment by Terry Broadhead

Hasan Newash repeats the lie that Timothy McVeigh was a Christian. McVeigh was at best agnostic, but seemed based on his comments in interviews and by those who knew him to be an atheist.

Comment by Mark

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